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Tomasz Dobiszewski was born in 1977 in Bydgoszcz. In 2005 he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, he completed his diploma in the Intermedia Photography Studio under the supervision of Dr. hab. Krzysztof J. Baranowski and Prof. Stefan Wojnecki. In 2018, he graduated from the Interdepartmental Doctoral Studies at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Art and Design in Wroclaw, he defended his doctoral thesis in 2020. Since 2018, he works in the Department of Media Art. In 2008-2010 he was associated with the Foto-Medium-Art gallery in Krakow. He has collaborated with the groups FUgg, laubyn, 6_3 and the Musical Theatre Capitol in Wroclaw. He lives and works in Wroclaw.

He formulates his artistic statement using photography, video, animation, multimedia and site-specific installations, mail art or book art. In his works, which show the processes how to artistically tame the media, he does not stop at purely conceptual cognitive strategies, but enriches the discourse with extra-intellectual elements, such as sensual impressions and intuitive cognition. His experiments with a new tool are carried out not only to achieve predictable results, but he attempts to shift the emphasis to the periphery of a given method and use the inherent, although non-basic, properties of devices and technologies, which often tend to be more interesting and unevident. Recently, he has been focusing on visualising unperceptible phenomena, which not only broadens our knowledge of the surrounding world, but also deepens our imagination and develops visual thinking.

Works in the The Bunkier Sztuki Collection in Krakow (PL), Palace of the Governors Photo Archives at the New Mexico History Museum, Santa Fe (USA), Contemporary Art Collection of The Lower Silesian Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts (PL), Collection of the Gallery of Modern Art of Leon Wyczolkowski's Museum (PL), The Book Art Museum in Lodz (PL) and in private collections.

Artistic Scholarship of the President of Wroclaw (2022)
Jerzy Grotowski Scholarship for achievements in the field of art (2017)
Scholarship of the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (2012)